Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Make contact !

Technology has been drastically changed behavior of any person in the world, why ? it brings to the convenience, intelligence,quickness,simplicity... and some how continue to improve ever to satisfy any need.

So, i am still interesting in the way that people contact to each other in the old day. how many way, people can contact to each other in the old day?
Sending a bird with a message and waiting for feedback :), i really don't understand how can the bird find to the destination and get back to their home :) :) :)  do not know the old Vietnamese has used this way ? (perhaps it only happens in the Chinese film however it is recorded like a popular way)
If you live near an ocean just throw your message into the ocean and eventually the receiver will get it :) :} :}, how can you imagine, right ? don't look me like a fool ? the old and famous Vietnamese has been used it, a princess An Tiem has been thrown several watermelons (his message) into the ocean and eventually the king got it.
more and more people presents in the world and we changed that way, now what? we have mail-man riding on a beautiful-horse/handsome-horse  (tuấn mã :) ), and then mail-man riding on bicycle (phoenix or Martin 07) then a motorbike (SH or Dylan or @ sometimes) and then bunch of mails in a car that is called transfer-mail-car.
it still takes a long time to transfer a mail, from another area in one country and from other country to each other. people begins to go so far from their home, right? or people need to know or discover or get to clear what happens or what it look like in other area/region...

and now when a world likes a village (make a video-phone-call or e-mail or instant message... to any place (domestic or international) or any person who has relationship or out of blue very simple), people continue to discover what happen out side of the world, it's there a place where human can live out side of the earth ? or try to contact to alien ? maybe,who knows, once-day we will move to another place out of the earth ? future will have the answer?

Grey sky and big rain in the evening,

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