/[TestComplete JScript]============================== // Function: SelectMainMenu // Description: selects a menu item from Infragistic Main menu // Parameters: // -pProcess - process of the application // -oMenu - main menu, object // -sMenuItem - menu item to select, string // Return: <none> // NOTES: menu items should be splitted with "|" symbol, e.g. "File|Options", "Administration|Edit|Account Roles" function SelectMainMenu(pProcess, oMenu, sMenuItem) { var aMenu = sMenuItem.split("|"); var i, j; // counter var iX = 0, iY = 0; // coordinates for clicking var iCount; // menu items count for each toolbar/popup menu var obj; // temporary object for different menuitems var iLevels = aMenu.length-1; // * * * Selecting top level menu item... iCount = oMenu.ToolbarsManager.Toolbars.Item(0).Tools.Count; // number of menu items in main menu for(i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { obj = oMenu.ToolbarsManager.Toolbars.Item(0).Tools.Item(i); Log.Message("Checking menu '" + obj.CaptionResolved.OleValue + "'"); if(obj.CaptionResolved.OleValue.match(aMenu[0])) { oMenu.Click(iX + obj.WidthResolved/2, iY + obj.Height/2); break; } else { iX += obj.WidthResolved*obj.VisibleResolved; } } // * * * After top level menu selected selecting other menus... //for(j = iLevels; j > 0; j--) for(j = 1; j <= iLevels; j++) { iX = 0; iY = 0; obj = pProcess.WinFormsObject("DropDownForm", "", 1).WinFormsObject("PopupMenuControlTrusted", ""); iCount = obj.MenuAgent.MenuItems.Count; for(i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { Log.Message("Checking menu item '" + obj.MenuAgent.MenuItems.Item(i).Text.OleValue + "'"); if(StrTran (obj.MenuAgent.MenuItems.Item(i).Text.OleValue, "&", "").match(aMenu[j])) { obj.Click(iX + 10, iY + 10); break; } else { iY += 25; } } } // j= iLevels... }
Monday, December 19, 2011
Select custom button in SwfToolbar
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Select all rows in Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGrid
I have found the way to select all rows in table and check whether all that rows is selected or not.
Public Function Swf_SelectAllItems(ByRef objSwfTable)
Dim strStep: strStep= "Swf_SelectAllItems()"
Dim numRows,i
If objSwfTable.GetROProperty("enabled") Then
numRows = objSwfTable.RowCount
objSwfTable.Type micLCtrlDwn
For i = 0 to numRows-1
objSwfTable.SelectRow i
objSwfTable.Type micDwn
objSwfTable.Type micLCtrlUp
Dim iSelectedRows: iSelectedRows = objSwfTable.Object.Selected.Rows.Count
If numRows = iSelectedRows Then
reporter.ReportEvent micDone,strStep,"Success: Successfully Select All Items"
reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,strStep, "Fail: Does NOT select All Items"
End If
reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,strStep, "The : table is NOT ENABLE."
End If
End Function
Public Function Swf_SelectAllItems(ByRef objSwfTable)
Dim strStep: strStep= "Swf_SelectAllItems()"
Dim numRows,i
If objSwfTable.GetROProperty("enabled") Then
numRows = objSwfTable.RowCount
objSwfTable.Type micLCtrlDwn
For i = 0 to numRows-1
objSwfTable.SelectRow i
objSwfTable.Type micDwn
objSwfTable.Type micLCtrlUp
Dim iSelectedRows: iSelectedRows = objSwfTable.Object.Selected.Rows.Count
If numRows = iSelectedRows Then
reporter.ReportEvent micDone,strStep,"Success: Successfully Select All Items"
reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,strStep, "Fail: Does NOT select All Items"
End If
reporter.ReportEvent micWarning,strStep, "The : table is NOT ENABLE."
End If
End Function
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Sending mails using Outlook and SMTP
Here we will see how we can send the mail after the test run using outlook and also using SMTP. First let us see how to send the mail using Outlook. This method though useful has the following drawbacks:
1. The system or machine where you are running the scripts should have outlook configured in it
2. The email will be sent in the name of the person whose email has been configured in the outlook.
3. Finally, outlook throws up a security message when you try to send an automated mail and to take care of this you will have to download a third party software called expressclick.
Well, if you still prefer to go by this method, then here is the code
systemutil.Run "C:\Program Files\Express ClickYes\ClickYes.exe"
wait 5
set oMailobj=CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
set oSendmail=oMailobj.CreateItem(0)
oSendmail.Body="Hi" & vbcrLf & vbCrlf & "PFA the Smoke Test Automation Results" & vbCrlf & vbCrlf & "Thanks" & vbcrlf & "Automation Team"
sAttachment = "D:\Results.zip"
If (sAttachment <> "") Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micInfo,"Sending mail:","Unable to send attachment,please verify your attachment file"
End If
wait 3
set oSendmail=Nothing
set oMailobj=Nothing
SystemUtil.CloseProcessByName "ClickYes.exe"
All these problems can be overcome by using SMTP mail. The only thing that you need to know is the SMTP server name and the machine should be in the network. Once you use this code you will never go back to using Outlook.
Set oMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
oMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _
("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2
'SMTP Server
oMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _
("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") ="servername or ip"
oMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _
("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25
oMessage.Subject = "Test"
oMessage.Sender = "" ' any non-existing mail id will also work.
oMessage.To =""
'oMessage.CC = ""
'oMessage.BCC = ""
oMessage.AddAttachment "D:\Results.zip"
oMessage.TextBody = "Hi" & vbcrLf & vbCrlf & "PFA the Smoke Test Automation Results & vbCrlf & vbCrlf & "Thanks" & vbcrlf & "Automation Team" & vbCrlf & vbCrlf & vbCrlf &"*********************************************************************************************************" & vbcrlf & "This is an auto-generated email. Please do not reply to this email." & vbcrlf &"*********************************************************************************************************"
Set oMessage = Nothing
Source: http://qtp-learnings.blogspot.com/2010/08/sending-mails-using-outlook-and-smtp.html
1. The system or machine where you are running the scripts should have outlook configured in it
2. The email will be sent in the name of the person whose email has been configured in the outlook.
3. Finally, outlook throws up a security message when you try to send an automated mail and to take care of this you will have to download a third party software called expressclick.
Well, if you still prefer to go by this method, then here is the code
systemutil.Run "C:\Program Files\Express ClickYes\ClickYes.exe"
wait 5
set oMailobj=CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
set oSendmail=oMailobj.CreateItem(0)
oSendmail.Body="Hi" & vbcrLf & vbCrlf & "PFA the Smoke Test Automation Results" & vbCrlf & vbCrlf & "Thanks" & vbcrlf & "Automation Team"
sAttachment = "D:\Results.zip"
If (sAttachment <> "") Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micInfo,"Sending mail:","Unable to send attachment,please verify your attachment file"
End If
wait 3
set oSendmail=Nothing
set oMailobj=Nothing
SystemUtil.CloseProcessByName "ClickYes.exe"
All these problems can be overcome by using SMTP mail. The only thing that you need to know is the SMTP server name and the machine should be in the network. Once you use this code you will never go back to using Outlook.
Set oMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
oMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _
("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2
'SMTP Server
oMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _
("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") ="servername or ip"
oMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _
("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25
oMessage.Subject = "Test"
oMessage.Sender = "
oMessage.To ="
'oMessage.CC = "
'oMessage.BCC = "
oMessage.AddAttachment "D:\Results.zip"
oMessage.TextBody = "Hi" & vbcrLf & vbCrlf & "PFA the Smoke Test Automation Results & vbCrlf & vbCrlf & "Thanks" & vbcrlf & "Automation Team" & vbCrlf & vbCrlf & vbCrlf &"*********************************************************************************************************" & vbcrlf & "This is an auto-generated email. Please do not reply to this email." & vbcrlf &"*********************************************************************************************************"
Set oMessage = Nothing
How to send email with attachment from outlook using qtp
Text1 ="The information contained in this message " _ & "constitutes privileged and confidential information " _ & "and is intended only for the use of and review by " _ & "the recipient designated above." Text2= "The information contained in this message " _ & "constitutes privileged and confidential information " _ & "and is intended only for the use of and review by " _ & "the recipient designated above." 'Multiline body Body= Text1 & vbCrLf & Text2 'path of the file sample.txt to be attached path="D:\sample.txt" 'Usage of Function "Send_Testresults" 'Multiple email Id can be used with semicolon as Seperator Send_Testresults"xx@mail.com;yy@abc.com","zz@xyz.com",,"Mail from QTPWorld.com",Body,path 'Function to send email Function Send_Testresults(sTo,sCC,sBCC,sSubject,sBody,sAttachment) 'Open outlook if Outlook is not open systemUtil.Run "OUTLOOK.EXE" wait (10) 'Create Outlook Object Set oMail = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") set Sendmail=oMail.CreateItem(0) Sendmail.To=sTo Sendmail.CC=sCC Sendmail.BCC=sBCC Sendmail.Subject=sSubject Sendmail.Body=sBody If (sAttachment <> "") Then Sendmail.Attachments.Add(sAttachment) End If Sendmail.Send oMail.quit set Sendmail=Nothing set oMail=Nothing End Function
Source: http://qtpworld.com/index.php?cid=89
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Generate Logfile in HTML
There are a lot of different solutions for improved reporting in QTP (for example, our very own ReporterManager). However, sometimes, you simple wish to export the entire report into a single HTML file, in order to copy / mail / archive it. Here’s a neat trick that will help you do that:
Open the registry editor, and go to
HKLM->SOFTWARE->Mercury Interactive->QuickTest Professional->Logger->Media->Log
HKLM->SOFTWARE->Mercury Interactive->QuickTest Professional->Logger->Media->Log
There’s an item named “Active” under that key. Change it to 1 (it should be 0)
Now when you run a test (you need to restart QTP after the change), the results folder will include a LOG folder, with the entire log as a single HTML file. It’s a concise report, but it’s quite enough for most user.
Source: http://www.advancedqtp.com/2008/08/save-qtp-report-as-a-single-html-file/Saturday, September 17, 2011
4 ways to get & count objects in QTP
4 ways to get & count objects in QTP
Imagine simple and practical QTP tasks:
I'm going to show 4 approaches how to get lists of UI controls and process them (for example get their count).
As an example, I will work with links on Google Labs page. My goal is to get the list of links and count them.
I've added Google Labs page to my Object Repository and now it looks like:
I use Object Repository (OR) to simplify my demo-scripts.
Since the browser & the page were added to OR, we can use them later like:
Browser("Google Labs").Page("Google Labs").
Now we are ready to start!
- How to count all links on Web page?
- How to get them and click each link?
- How to get all WebEdits and check their values?
I'm going to show 4 approaches how to get lists of UI controls and process them (for example get their count).
As an example, I will work with links on Google Labs page. My goal is to get the list of links and count them.
I've added Google Labs page to my Object Repository and now it looks like:
I use Object Repository (OR) to simplify my demo-scripts.
Since the browser & the page were added to OR, we can use them later like:
Browser("Google Labs").Page("Google Labs").
Now we are ready to start!
- QTP Descriptive Programming (QTP DP) and ChildObjects QTP function
The approach uses Description object, which contains a 'mask' for objects we would like to get.
QTP script is:
Set oDesc = Description.Create()The result of this QTP script is:
oDesc("micclass").Value = "Link"
Set Links = Browser("Google Labs").Page("Google Labs").ChildObjects(oDesc)
Msgbox "Total links: " & Links.Count
ChildObjects returns the collection of child objects matched the description ("micclass" is "Link") and contained within the object (Page("Google Labs")).
- Object QTP property and objects collections
QTP can work with DOM:Set Links = Browser("Google Labs").Page("Google Labs").Object.LinksI use Object property of Page object. It represents the HTML document in a given browser window.
Msgbox "Total links: " & Links.Length
This document contains different collections - forms, frames, images, links, etc.
And we use Length property to get the number of items in a collection.
The result is the same as for the previous QTP script:
- Object QTP property and GetElementsByTagName method
Again, we can get access to the HTML document and use its GetElementsByTagName method.
As the name says, GetElementsByTagName method returns a collection of objects with the specified tag.
Since we are going to get all link, we should use "a" tag.
QTP script is:
Set Links = Browser("Google Labs").Page("Google Labs").Object.GetElementsByTagName("a")The result is the following:
Msgbox "Total links: " & Links.Length
Note: There is another way how to select objects by tag name:
Set Links = Browser("Google Labs").Page("Google Labs").Object.all.tags("a")The result will be the same. 69 link will be found.
Msgbox "Total links: " & Links.Length
- XPath queries in QTP
The idea of this approach is to use XPath queries on a source code of Web page.
For example, "//a" XPath query returns all "a" nodes (= links) from XML file.
There is one problem. Web page contains HTML code, which looks like XML code but actually it is not.
For example:- HTML code can contain unclosed img or br tags, XML code cannot.
- HTML code is a case-insensitive markup language, XML is a case-sensitive markup language, etc
More details here.
So, we have to convert HTML source code into XML. The converted code is named as XHTML.
You can convert HTML documents into XHTML using an Open Source HTML Tidy utility.
You can find more info about how to convert HTML code into XHTML code here.
I will use the final QTP script from this page, a bit modified:
' to get an HTML source code of Web pageNote: you can download tidy.exe here for above QTP script.
HtmlCode = Browser("Google Labs").Page("Google Labs").Object.documentElement.outerHtml
' save HTML code to a local file
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fso.CreateTextFile("C:\HtmlCode.html", True, -1)
' run tidy.exe to convert HTML to XHTML
Set oShell = CreateObject("Wscript.shell")
oShell.Run "C:\tidy.exe --doctype omit -asxhtml -m -n C:\HtmlCode.html", 1, True ' waits for tidy.exe to be finished
' create MSXML parser
Set objXML = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0")
objXML.Async = False
XPath = "//a" ' XPath query means to find all links
Set Links = objXML.SelectNodes(XPath)
Msgbox "Total links: " & Links.Length
This QTP script leads to the same results - 69 links found:
- Bonus approah
Why don't you count all Wen page objects manually? :) Open a source code of the page and start counting :)
Just joking :)
- I shown 4 practical approaches how to count Web page links.Similarly you can process images, webedits, etc
- Each approach gets a list of objects.
- First approach (QTP DP + ChildObjects) is the most easy
- Second & third approaches (Object + collections; Object + GetElementsByTagName) will work on Internet Explorer, because they use DOM methods
- Fours approach is biggest but it is more powerful. It allows to use complex XPath queries.
Source: http://motevich.blogspot.com/2008/11/4-ways-to-get-count-objects-in-qtp.html
How to execute a qtp script from command prompt?
It is very much possible to launch a QTP test from Command prompt and then run it. The script to open QTP and then load the test into QTP and run the test is given in the "Quick Test Automation reference" file which is given in the Documentation Folder.
The path to get the file and the code is "C:Program FilesMercury InteractiveQuickTest ProfessionalhelpAutomationObjectModel.chm"
I have taken this script from this file and changed the path of my test to be loaded and saved the file as a .vbs and executed it from the command prompt.
The script is given below for quick reference
Dim qtApp 'As QuickTest.Application ' Declare the Application object variable
Dim qtTest 'As QuickTest.Test ' Declare a Test object variable
Dim qtResultsOpt 'As QuickTest.RunResultsOptions ' Declare a Run Results Options object variable
Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") ' Create the Application object
qtApp.Launch ' Start QuickTest
qtApp.Visible = True ' Make the QuickTest application visible
' Set QuickTest run options
qtApp.Options.Run.ImageCaptureForTestResults = "OnError"
qtApp.Options.Run.RunMode = "Fast"
qtApp.Options.Run.ViewResults = False
qtApp.Open "E:\Test Scripts\actiTIME FunctionCalls Script", True ' Open the test in read-only mode
' set run settings for the test
Set qtTest = qtApp.Test
qtTest.Settings.Run.IterationMode = "rngIterations" ' Run only iterations 2 to 4
qtTest.Settings.Run.StartIteration = 2
qtTest.Settings.Run.EndIteration = 4
qtTest.Settings.Run.OnError = "NextStep" ' Instruct QuickTest to perform next step when error occurs
Set qtResultsOpt = CreateObject("QuickTest.RunResultsOptions") ' Create the Run Results Options object
qtResultsOpt.ResultsLocation = "E:\Test Scripts\actiTIME FunctionCalls Script\Res1" ' Set the results location
qtTest.Run qtResultsOpt ' Run the test
MsgBox qtTest.LastRunResults.Status ' Check the results of the test run
qtTest.Close ' Close the test
Set qtResultsOpt = Nothing ' Release the Run Results Options object
Set qtTest = Nothing ' Release the Test object
Set qtApp = Nothing ' Release the Application object
For this you should have created a test with some actions in QTP and saved it then you need to specify the path of the test correctly at qtapp.Open
Save this file in a desired location with a .vbs extension.
Launch command prompt by going to run and type cmd and click enter.
The command prompt is visible. Since i store this .vbs file in E drive i have changed the directory in command prompt to E drive
C:\>E: and press enter
E:\> "This will be displayed" now enter the vbs file and click enter
E:\>testrun.vbs and clicked enter
Now the QTP will automatically launch load the specified test and runs it and gives you a message box prompt saying passed after the test is completed.
Read more: http://qtp4free.blogspot.com/2010/06/how-to-execute-qtp-script-from-command.html#ixzz1YDXbjYJe
What do you do when QuickTest Professional (QTP) doesn’t automatically recognize an object in your application? In my experience, these are the first five things to try/check:
1. Check the loaded add-ins:
It’s pretty basic, but be sure you have the correct add-ins selected. If QTP is only recognizing your objects as standard WinObject this may be a sign that you need to use an add-in. Sometimes QTP’s ‘Display Add-in’ Manager on start-up option, under Tools\Options\General may not be selected. This setting may cause you to start QTP on a machine and mistakenly assume that all of the correct add-ins have been chosen. Double-check by opening your script and selecting File\Settings under Properties ‘Associated add-ins:’ verifying that all the needed add-ins are listed. Also make sure QTP is started before the application under test. QTP will sometimes not recognize a web application if the browser was opened before QTP.
Research the issue. If your add-ins are fine, the next step is to search the HP’s Knowledge base. Again, this may seem obvious, but a surprising number of people fail to do this. There’s nothing worse than spending hours on a script only to discover later that there is a patch (for example see patch that resolves some QTP 11 object issues) available or a posted solution that will solve the problem. I'm sometimes hailed as an automation genius by fixing something that an engineer may have been struggling with for days, based on information I found in the KB. Often, even after I tell the engineer how I solved the issue, they still don’t check the KB the next time they have a problem. Do me a favor -- don't be that guy (or gal)! Check the KB. (If nothing is found in the KB, another great resource to check is SQAForums.
3. Using .Object:
Look at all the available object’s operations (both the “identification properties” and “native properties” methods). You'll be surprised what you'll find lurking around in an object’s properties that may help to automate it. Using .Object try as many operations as possible--even ones that may not seem remotely relevant to the action you want to perform. For example: I was having a problem recognizing text on an application’s custom .NET grid. After spying on the object and trying several different methods that sounded promising, I ended up trying an odd one, called GetViewStyleInfo, and surprisingly it worked!
4. Try GetVisibleText:
Sometimes QTP does not recognize text in an object using the GetROProperty("text") method. As a last resort, try using the GetVisibleText, GetTextLocation and Type methods. These methods really helped me automate some old proprietary controls. Using a combination of QTP’s TYPE method and GetTextLocation, I created a very reliable rich edit box object function. For example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 | RichEditBoxICW "0","ENTER","=>","T","From date:" wait 1 RichEditBoxICW "0","ENTER","Through","T^20","Through date:" wait 1 RichEditBoxICW "0","ENTER","No=>","N","Do you want to queue this activity?" '*********************************** '* RICHEDITBOX '********************************** '************************ '* ICW '* @Documentation Used to perform valid actions on RichEdit objects. '************************ Function RichEditBoxICW(index,action,lineText,valueToEnter,comment) On Error Resume Next '***************************************** ' SET OR PATH BASED ON ENV '***************************************** set strICWPath = Browser("CF").Page("CF").Frame("WorkSpace").SwfObject("IEController") strParse = strings("PARSE",valueToEnter,"LEFT","","") 'this would return False string does not contain ^ Select Case UCASE(action) Case "ENTER" intXY = getTextXY(lineText) arrXY = Split(intXY,"^") strICWPath.WinObject("regexpwndclass:=RichEdit20A").Click arrXY(0),arrXY(1) If strParse = "False" Then Reporter.Filter = rfEnableAll strICWPath.WinObject("regexpwndclass:=RichEdit20A").Type micRight strICWPath.WinObject("regexpwndclass:=RichEdit20A").Type valueToEnter strICWPath.WinObject("regexpwndclass:=RichEdit20A").Type micReturn strReportMsg = "ENTERED ->" & valueToEnter ELSE strEnterValue = geString("PARSE",strValueToEnter,"LEFT","","")'Get Value to Enter strRightCount = geString("PARSE",strValueToEnter,"RIGHT","","")'Get # of right keys to press before entering text for nTabs = 1 to strRightCount strICWPath.WinObject("regexpwndclass:=RichEdit20A").Type micRight next strICWPath.WinObject("regexpwndclass:=RichEdit20A").Type strEnterValue strICWPath.WinObject("regexpwndclass:=RichEdit20A").Type micReturn strReportMsg = "ENTERED ->" & strEnterValue end select End Function '--------------------------------------------------------- '@Function Name: getTextXY '@Documentation Return X and Y coordinates of text '@Parameters: The text to find '@Created By: Joe Colantonio '@Return Values: X & Y coord separated by a ^ '@Example: intXY = getTextXY(strLineText) '------------------------------------------------------------- Function getTextXY(strTextToFindXYFor) set strICWPath = Browser("CF").Page("CF").Frame("WorkSpace").SwfObject("IEController") l = -1 t = -1 r = -1 b = -1 rc = strICWPath.WinObject("regexpwndclass:=RichEdit20A").GetTextLocation(strTextToFindXYFor, l, t, r, b) getTextXY = r & "^" & t End function |
5. Developers are your friend:
The application's developers can help you. Ask your developers to expose a method or add a property that will make automation easier. But before you ask -- make sure you've exhausted all the above suggestions. Developers can be a tough bunch, and you really don’t want to annoy them with things you could have resolved on your own. I work with some awesome programmers, and as long as I'm able to clearly explain to them what I need and why, they never hesitate to help.
These are my top 5 suggestions - what are yours?
Tip 5.1 - From Mike G Marshall "Another thing to check is “Record and Run” setting under Automation menu. If you try and identify an object in an application that doesn’t match the rules here, it will show as a standard Windows object."
Tip 5.2 - From Michael te Wierik - "I don’t know how many times I have slaved away to find a solution to an object identification issue, and then remembered to use “Low level recording” from the Automation menu when recording. Its a massive timesaver."
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